You’ve heard the buzz and it’s getting louder!! The West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is in high gear as it moves forward with the development of LOT 23, an art-centric, neighborhood-scale artist colony. At build-out, the project will be comprised of two four-unit apartment buildings, a studio space and gallery.
The CRA team envisions that a diverse mix of artists will use the studio space, including artists who have their living quarters off-site. Types of artist will include visual (paint/drawing, ceramics, sculpture, carving, and carpentry), literary (writing/poetry), performing (dance/theatre/vocal), photography, music, and textiles. The studio space will also provide space for smaller performances and events as well as a retail component.
The CRA has hired the consulting firm, ArtSpace, to assist in the details of creating this unique area. The CRA staff will be meeting with the ArtSpace team on February 23rd and 24th. All those interesting in seeing the presentation is welcome to attend the CRA Advisory Board meeting on Friday, February 24th from 8:00 – 9:00am at Fire Station 3 (located at 5050 Broadway – on the corner of Broadway and 49th St.). This is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend.
ArtSpace will also be conducting multiple artist roundtables in order to get feedback from the artists in the community and individuals interested in getting involved. For more information or to learn more about participating at one of the roundtable meetings, please contact Grace Joyce at gjoyce@wpb.org.