Friday, June 17, 2011

Do Something Only YOU Can do!

Do you ever feel like you should be doing something totally awesome? Like there is this huge world outside of your own little "bubble" just waiting for you to get out there and show us something amazing that only you can?

Do you want to inspire others to do big things? Do you want to wake up feeling like every day matters and every thing that you do matters? It's the little things that make it happen. Stopping to say hello to someone, sharing a smile, calling an old friend you haven't spoken to in years just so say hello.

We all want to do big things...things that matter...things that change the world. And we get to do those things every day. We don't need to have the corner office, a huge platform or 5,000+ friends on facebook to create an change someone's make a difference.

Do something something something that only YOU can do.