What’s YOUR Northwood Village Style?
Find out at this month’s Art & Wine
Promenade on Friday, January 28th from
6-10pm in Northwood Village!
It’s a brand new year which means
It’s the perfect time to spruce up
Your home and office and we are
Here to help…
Transform your closet and cabinets
With ONE simple trick, Discover
How to turn your trash into treasure,
Create your own signature pieces…And so much more! (link Wendy, Steve and Karen’s YouTube links on appropriate lines)
And…play the Northwood Village Swirl
Game for a chance to win a $100 gift
How do you play? Details to
Come soon so make sure you are our
Fan on facebook to be one of the FIRST
To get involved!! (link to facebook)
So…mark your calendar NOW for the
January 28th Art & Wine Promenade!
It’s fabulous, fun and FREE and we
Can’t wait to see you there!
P.S. – Don’t forget to become our fan
On Facebook for YOUR chance to
Be part of the Northwood Village
Swirl Game! (link to facebook)